How to organize a killer TEDx event to engage the community
Have a read of my press release here or below and watch the video for our second TEDxPuxi Adventure! It was another great TEDx event, that again I couldn't have done with my brilliant team, Olivia, Gigi, Liya and Miriam.
My quick guide to plan a badass TEDx Adventure
Pick a topic relevant to the community
Find a venue and build your team (you will need people to help with tech, food & bev, ticketing)
Create a proposal/word doc/PPT of the TEDx topic, date, and time of the event and send to prospective speakers you think could align with the topic and are well-seasoned public speakers
Set up an easy way for attendees to RSVP then create a flyer and promote the event through all social media channels, ask friends to help!
Print RSVP list, get to the venue early, liaise with speakers and GO GO GO.
Of course, there are may more minute details that will come up, event planning ain't easy. This is the skeleton though and the absolute must-dos. The goal is to keep it relevant to the community though, after all, they are the attendees and they are the ones who should be leaving feeling inspired.
Our second TEDxPuxi Adventure took place on August 25, joined by four distinguished women leaders in discussion around the topic of “Why do we need role models and how to find one?” The four speakers dove in headfirst into the topic and shared with the seventy attendees their backstory, their role models growing up, and why role models are important in today’s world.
第二场 TEDxPuxi Adventure活动在8月25日完美收官,四位杰出女性领导者开启了针对“我们为什么需要榜样,以及如何找到她/他”的话题讨论。四位演讲嘉宾直接进入话题,向在场的七十位观众分享了各自的背景、她们成长道路中的榜样,以及其在如今世界中的重要性。
Tingting Fang, the first speaker of the day used the metaphor of an “omnivore” to describe how people can absorb everything in their surroundings to become inspired. That being inspired by your everyday surroundings can lead to a transfer of learning that is natural. Ting Ting made the argument that as we consume a variety of different foods, do different types of exercise, read different books, we should also surround ourselves with role model from different industries and backgrounds.
Amanda Argentieri, upcoming President of the International Professional Women’s Society described her first role model as the independent and intelligent character portrayed by Alyssa Milano on the hit 80s sitcom Charles in Charge. Argentieri went on to describe some real life role models as well as her tips for finding a role model. She encouraged the audience to first reflect on who you want to be before starting your research on finding the person that you want to look up to.
即将出任国际职业妇女协会主席的 Amanda Argentieri,形容了她的第一个榜样:由 Alyssa Milano 在 80 年代情景喜剧《Charles in Charge》中所扮演的一个独立并充满智慧的角色。Argentieri 又接着描述了一些真实生活中的榜样,以及她寻找榜样的建议,她鼓励观众在搜索你想要寻找的人之前先思考一下自己想成为谁。
Jasmine Huang, owner of a communications firm shared her experiences working alongside TV and media figures. However, Huang felt that true inspiration has actually come from those close to her, such as seeing her friend cooking and feeling her passion. Huang also draws from the happiness in the small things that we acquire from daily tasks which otherwise could seem mundane.
The last speaker of the day was Pocket Sun, the venture capitalist who became her own role model because there are no men in the world of VC. Pocket highlighted the reality that many women face in the workforce, that there often few other women leaders to follow and learn from. She encouraged the audience to think about becoming the role model they wanted to be instead of trying to find someone to emulate.
当天最后一位演讲嘉宾是风险投资人孙伊晴,由于在 VC 界史无前例,她自然而然成为了自己的榜样。孙伊晴强调了女性在职业生涯中所面对的现实:能够跟随并学习的女性领导者少之又少。她鼓励在场观众成为她们自己想成为的榜样,而不是试图找个人来一味模仿。
After the four short talks, the speakers went on to host breakout sessions amongst the audience. The attendees were arranged in four small groups so each speaker could sit with one group at a time and facilitate an intimate 7-minute discussion on role models. It was a lightning fast speed-dating style format.
四场短暂的演讲分享后,嘉宾们入席观众区,继续展开分组讨论。在场的所有人被分为了四个小组,每位嘉宾与一个小组团团围坐,就榜样的话题进行了 7 分钟的深入交流,类似于闪电交友形式环节。
It led to enlightening discussions, hundreds of questions and some true reflections between the speakers and attendees. The attendees were able to ask various questions regarding role models, mentors, and personal and professional relationships that have led to the direct successes of the speakers. The attendees were encapsulated by the interaction and left inspired. It wasn’t your everyday traditional talk and networking event, it was intimate and interactive. It was a TEDxPuxi Adventure.
这样的互动形式激发了启发性探讨、数百个提问以及嘉宾与观众们间的真实反映。有关榜样、导师和直接给嘉宾们带来成功的个人/职业关系,观众们可以提出不同问题,他们被互动和鼓舞所包围。这不是你每天都能接触到的传统演讲和社交活动,而是一个亲密无间、互动性极强的 TEDxPuxi Adventure。
TEDxPuxi Adventures are small intimate events that are meant to engage the community. Jasmine Huang and Tingting Fang will be speakers at the live show so if you missed this adventure but still want to see them speak, check our official social accounts regularly for updates. We hope to see you at the next adventure and the live show!
TEDxPuxi Adventures 是一个小型的亲密性活动,旨在让更多人能够有机会参与到我们的社群活动中来。如果你错过了本场活动,依旧能够在之后的现场活动上见到作为演讲嘉宾的黄丽珈和方婷婷,请密切关注我们官方账号的近期推送。期待在下一场 TEDxPuxi Adventures 和现场活动中与你见面!
Check out our website at to learn more about us.